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EWST fashionlab archive
Art projects & Clothing brand

Studio transforms history of art events & clothing brand_ewst fashionlab
Studio transforms _ewst fashionlab art workshops art teaching
Studio transforms_ewst fashionlab archive  art performances and sculptures

Studio Transforms project  was created as a nomadic art laboratory. Costumes made out of hand-painted fabric, poetry performance, sculptures, live-painting  combined with body-art, and many other confronting projects of Studio Transforms were co-existed in synergistic creative multiplicity.

The fascinating map of Studio's performances, events and exhibitions covers more then a half of the Globe surface.

Kaleidoscopic change of cultural perspectives was a great  challenge for the Studio hammering  its artistic endeavor to the point where it became utterly unique.

Studio transforms history of brand
Elena Ryleeva fashion design workshop_Couture draping courses

EWST fashionlab is a direct successor of Studio Transforms and collaborator of Elena workshop. Therefore EWST is abbreviation that uses the first letter of each word: Elena Workshop and Studio Transforms. EWST focuses on clothing design education with emphasis on draping techniques. There is a range of online draping courses offered by EWST which covers all levels of Draping starting from the Beginner up to advanced draping techniques mastering. Needles to say, our systematized learning materials eyed to the details with clear demonstration and precise explanatory guidance renders our courses incomparably.  

Studio transforms concept fashion collection
Studio transforms history of brand

Studio Transforms brand name has been communicating Conceptual fashion and Waste-escape approach to clothing making. Studio which was established in 2006 has been traveling worldwide ever since and visited more than 40 countries.  Besides of clothing designing Studio Transforms was engaged in to the diverse artistic activities including but not restricted to painting, sculpturing, and performing.

The collections of one-off designs were created and produced while traveling throughout different countries and sourcing unique fabrics locally. By advocating the concept of Waste-escape which was coined by us with intention to bring so-called Zero-Waste to the real life practice, the studio co-founder Elena has invented one-of-a kind patterns based on square-wear and other technical novelties.

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