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 EWST fashionlab 
Couture Draping & Innovative Pattern-making workshops

Ewst-fashionlab provides Couture Draping Workshops  interactively involving participants into draping skills learning


Ewst-fashionlab offers the most comprehensive on-line draping courses

Offers innovative pattern-making tutorials and pattern-making basics video-lessons

Ewst-fashionlab develops innovative "Fabricscape" approaches to pattern-making , and offers DIY waste-escape clothing tutorials


Artistic endeavor and inspiration both are inseparable components of all our workshops and trainings

The creator of all original content that EWST fashionlab offers through workshops and online courses is Elena Ryleeva EWST fashionlab founder. She has specialty in Draping and Patten-making where she has achieved internationally recognized mastery Read more

The unique Couture draping courses cover all draping levels introducing step by step Fashion draping techniques, draping methods, draping process, and transferring the drape onto paper patterns. Students learn draping through detailed video-lessons where Elena demonstrates and explains draping procedure precisely and easy to understand.

She teaches not merely technical side of draping but designing through making a drape. All draping courses by Elena Ryleeva is comprehensive in depth introduction into draping wizardry

FABRICSCAPE is innovative pattern-cutting approach devised by Elena Ryleeva that is destined to initiate a new conscious direction in designing of clothing and accessories

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